Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2020-01-14
Boilers and equipment 100-3000kw

Biomass automated boilers


Industrial biomass boilers in range of 100 - 3000kw. Fully automated working on wood chips, pellets, sawdust, briquettes, etc. 

Our boilers working in different range of moisture content starting form 8% up to 55%.

Kalvis brand boilers are also suitable for some types of waste wood, which is suitable for the customers who has their own wood waste or can buy it from other sources. 

Automation of the boilers also produced by Kalvis engineers, so the highest efficient can be reached by using Kalvis brand equipment together with Kalvis automation.

For more detailed information please visit our website or contact our sales representatives. 

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Kalvis UAB

Adres: Pramonės g. 15, LT-78137 Siauliai

Nr telefonu: +37068716845 Skopiuj

Przy kontakcie powołaj się na portal energetykacieplna.pl