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RUG Riello Urządzenia Grzewcze S. A.
Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2017-07-21
Aluminum Wire Mesh

Anping Tenglu Metal Wire Mesh Co.LTD.

Aluminum Wire Mesh

Specification of aluminum and alloy woven wire mesh:

Aluminum wire mesh is available in 2 mesh to 28 mesh, detail specifications as follows:
Wire gauge: SWG16 x 2 mesh;
Wire gauge: SWG18 x 4mesh;
Wire gauge: SWG21 x 6mesh;
Wire gauge: SWG24 x 10mesh;
Wire gauge: SWG25 x 8mesh;
Wire gauge: SWG27 x 14x10mesh;
Wire gauge: SWG28 x 16mesh;
Wire gauge: SWG32 x 28mesh.

Aluminum wire mesh has the property of rust resistance, excellent corrosion resistance and maintenance free.

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